West Bank activist historian: “Tortured and forced in house by settlers and Israeli army”
70 Palestinians killed since 7 October. Amro: ‘We fear new Nakba’
POLITICA (Roma). “Violence has increased, the settlers have many more weapons than before. Protected by the army, they beat and shoot for no reason. In Hebron there have been 15 Palestinians killed by the army since 7 October, they shoot anyone during protests. They use live ammunition. For me, 7 October was the worst day: I was kidnapped by the settlers and the army, they held me for ten hours, they beat me, humiliated and tortured me. Here in Hebron, there has been a curfew since the day of the attack. More than a thousand Palestinian families cannot leave their homes. The situation is terrifying, I have received several phone calls from friends and acquaintances who are afraid and don’t know what to do. A friend of mine who lives nearby told me that the settlers threatened him: ‘Soon we will come and kill you, we will kill all the Arabs’. People are afraid there will be another Nakba or another massacre’. Thus Issa Amro, a long-standing Palestinian human rights activist, reporting from Hebron. He added: “I have not been able to go out since the day of my arrest, I have had to board up my windows to avoid being shot at, and the army has already entered my property several times. Last time senior officers told me that for my safety it was better if I left my house for a fortnight, I told them no I am not leaving. We Palestinians know too well what happened in 48 and 67”. (Stefano Chianese/alanews)

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