Categories: Cronaca

Covid-19, a year of apnea (ENG sub)

Covid-19, a year of apnea (ENG sub)

The trailer of our reportage from Lombardy, the most affected region of Italy

CRONACA (Milano). Exactly one year has passed since the nightmare began. On February 21st, 2020, in fact, Italy knew the first case of Covid-19 in Codogno, a small town in the Lodi area: since that day, more than 90 thousand have died with Lombardy, despite itself, playing the role of the leader in this terrible counting.
And it is precisely from the Lombard intensive therapies that the voices arrive, tenuous almost to respect the memory of the victims, of those who have saved many lives and tried in vain to save as many. The images that from their eyes are transformed into words, in the few free moments before they disguise themselves in masks and gowns and return to those lives hanging on respirators. (Redazione alanews)

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