Categories: Cronaca

Israel, the appeal for peace by Lena, a Russian entrepreneur who lives in Tel Aviv

Israel, the appeal for peace by Lena, a Russian entrepreneur who lives in Tel Aviv

“I beg you, all Palestinian mothers and fathers, to stand against Hamas to give peace and a future to our country”

CRONACA (Roma). Lena Kartseva is a young Russian entrepreneur and director who moved to Israel in 2018. From the Arab neighborhood in southern Tel Aviv she talks about what she experienced in the first days of the rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip. “When the first sirens started sounding, an app that all Israelis have warned us that we had to run towards the bomb shelter, so we grabbed what we might need because you have 90 seconds to reach it. Each building has a shelter for everyone the inhabitants can protect themselves. No one expected these attacks or those killings and kidnappings. Those horror videos, those people savagely killed by Hamas at the festival on the borders of Gaza, even Palestinians, your people. This is something that cannot be kept quiet. I beg you, all Palestinian mothers and fathers, to take sides against Hamas, against terrorism, only together can we stop those who kill the children of the Middle East. Let’s take sides together against terror to give our country peace and a future”. (Marco Vesperini/alanews)

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