Categories: Cronaca

M.O., Biton: “After the first phase of the ceasefire, I don’t think any more hostages will be brough

M.O., Biton: “After the first phase of the ceasefire, I don’t think any more hostages will be brough

The intelligence doctor who saved the former Hamas head: “Among those released there is more than one Sinwar”

Cronaca (Roma). “In the first phase of this agreement, 33 hostages will be released but I don’t think the others will be brought back because Hamas will want to keep the hostages to have control over us. I told my sister this, who should be prepared for her son not to return. When I was head of the intelligence department for the prison system I was against the release in 2011 of Sinwar and the Hamas leaders because I knew that after 22 years of imprisonment they would end up managing the Hamas military leader that would have supplanted that policy. This was a big mistake. And now among the prisoners released under the agreement there is more than one Sinwar or one Saleh al-Arouri, former head of Hamas in the West Bank.” Thus Yuval Biton, Israeli intelligence doctor, during the meeting ‘Face to face with the mind of October 7’, organized in Rome at the Marco Besso Foundation. (Marco Vesperini/alanews)

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