Categories: Cronaca

M.O., Biton: “Building a new axis with the Arab countries moderated against Iran”

M.O., Biton: “Building a new axis with the Arab countries moderated against Iran”

The Israeli intelligence doctor: “Hamas destroyed, avoid regaining control over Gaza”

Cronaca (Roma). “When in 2007 Hamas used violence against Fatah to take control of Gaza we should have acted and we didn’t. This was a big mistake because Hamas created a Muslim Brotherhood state in Gaza. Today the most important thing is to prevent Hamas can regain power in Gaza. To maintain control they are willing to sacrifice the population, we have seen it in this war. The images of the release of three hostages with many militiamen are nothing but a spectacle tell the Palestinians and Fatah that they are still there but the truth is that they have been destroyed. We must ensure that they do not regain power. We must create a new axis against Hamas together with Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Jordan. and Iran which is a greater threat to them than Israel. We must prevent Iran from building an atomic bomb.” Thus Yuval Biton, Israeli intelligence doctor who saved the former head of Hamas from a tumor, during the meeting ‘Face to face with the mind of October 7’ organized in Rome by the Marco Besso Foundation. (Marco Vesperini/alanews)

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