Categories: Cronaca

M.O., Biton: “Gaza control by the PNA, Sinwar was like Hitler”

M.O., Biton: “Gaza control by the PNA, Sinwar was like Hitler”

The intelligence doctor who saved the former head of Hamas from a tumor: “Palestinians must decide which side to take”

Cronaca (Roma). “It could be a good solution to give control of Gaza to the Palestinian National Authority with help from moderate Arab and Sunni countries such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, but not Qatar. Today the Sunnis are fighting against the Shiites. Hamas is acting interests of the Muslim Brotherhood and not of the Palestinians. We must understand that not all Palestinians are the same. The Palestinians must decide whether to be with Hamas or with Fatah, an agreement will never be reached on the future of Israel and the Palestinian people another country to go to, during the Second World War the Jews were driven from their homes and their countries, I met Sinwar, he wanted to do like Hitler.” Thus Yuval Biton, Israeli intelligence doctor who saved the former head of Hamas from a tumor, during the meeting ‘Face to face with the mind of October 7’ organized in Rome by the Marco Besso Foundation. (Marco Vesperini/alanews)

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