Categories: Cronaca

The doctor who saved Sinwar from a tumor: “I don’t regret it, it was my duty”

The doctor who saved Sinwar from a tumor: “I don’t regret it, it was my duty”

A member of the Israeli intelligence in prisons, Biton’s nephew was kidnapped on October 7 by Hamas

Cronaca (Roma). “In prison Sinwar told me that his head hurt and we diagnosed him with a brain tumor. He was operated on and we saved his life. He told me that I owed him my life and asked for my telephone number because one day he would repay his debt. How did he kidnap my nephew on October 7, lynched by Hamas soldiers after being wounded in a kibbutz I don’t expect any Hamas member to give me anything back October 7 if I repented and the answer is no. Because that was my duty as a doctor. This is the morality of the Jews and the Israelis. Sinwar, however, cut off the heads in prison of two Hamas members accused of being spies , they were Muslims and founders of Hamas, what would they do to the Jews if they behave this way towards the Palestinians?”. Thus Yuval Biton, during the meeting ‘Face to face with the mind of October 7th’ organized in Rome by the Marco Besso Foundation. (Marco Vesperini/alanews)

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