Categories: Cultura

Erno Rubik: “In 50 years, the Cube has always been one step ahead of me”

Erno Rubik: “In 50 years, the Cube has always been one step ahead of me”

The Hungarian inventor: “I’m still curious, I haven’t finished discovering the world”

CULTURA (Milan, Italy). Fifty years after its creation, the Rubik’s Cube “has survived: many objects are very successful at first, but after a while everyone forgets about them. I’ve traveled all over the world, but the cube has always been one step ahead of me”, says its inventor, the Hungarian designer and architect Erno Rubik. “Do I feel accomplished in my life? Not yet: I’ve always been curious and I still have some curiosity. I haven’t finished discovering the world”. (Alessandro Boldrini/alanews)

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