Israeli “refusnik” Yehelich: “We created this monster”
“Hamas actions unjustifiable, but could have been prevented and do not legitimize new blood”
POLITICA (Roma). “Precisely because this is an international audience, I want to urge everyone who reads or sees this to talk to their politicians and tell them that more weapons is not the solution. And for them to put pressure on Israel to reach a ceasefire and reopen negotiations with the different Palestinian factions. There is no other way, this is the only way to avoid more bloodshed and more suffering. What happened here could easily have been avoided. The Israeli government acted and acts with impunity. I am not naive, I know how geopolitics works, I know that international law only applies to those who are not aligned with US interests. But one must at least try, at least protest against what is happening here. What happened in the first days of the war. The massacres are unjustifiable. But that doesn’t mean one should keep quiet when more weapons are put in the hands of the IDF to kill Palestinians in revenge. More deaths would solve nothing. They would not protect me. I tell you this as an Israeli.” So says Yehelich Cialic, coordinator of the Mesravot and refusnik activist network, reticent about military conscription for political reasons in a link from Tel Aviv. (Stefano Chianese/alanews)
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