Categories: Politica

Meloni, Schmit: “She doesn’t condemn the darkest chapters of European and Italian history”

Meloni, Schmit: “She doesn’t condemn the darkest chapters of European and Italian history”

“I don’t comment in general on other people’s governments”

POLITICA (Roma). “I don’t comment on other people’s governments. Every country has the right to choose its own government. On the Italian one I am critical of a number of measures taken and I have said so: I was critical for example with the stance against registering children of homogenous couples, this shocks me because you should never, ever hit children. But I don’t comment in general on other people’s governments. Meloni? If you don’t clearly condemn the darkest chapters of European and Italian history. Yesterday we commemorated the murder of Matteotti by the fascists. If you don’t clearly condemn these things and when there are people doing the Roman salute on the streets of Rome there is bound to be ambiguity.” PSE EU Commission candidate Nicolas Schmit said on the sidelines of the congress in Rome. (Nicolò Morocutti/alanews)

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